Hi! I am Hu Yang,

a UI UX designer who is passionate about creating experiences that bring joy to people’s lives.

Driven by a passion for art and design, I embarked on a journey to become a professional designer in 2022. It has been an eye-opener since then to learn from brilliant designers around me, to seek inspirations to create interesting design work, to expand my skillset, and to gradually identify my own goals and values as a designer.

Apart from being keen on modernist graphic design and digital illustrations, my main interests lie in interaction design or UI UX design; it is such a fascinating area that marries art and technologies to provide solutions for problems in the real world. I intend to bring positive impact for people and organisations through UI UX design that is intuitive and user-friendly. I strive to create experiences that are meaningful, effective, enjoyable and memorable for the people who participate in them. Nothing beats the moment when my design work turns out to be useful and helpful; and this motivates me to keep honing my skills and looking for ways to make things better.

With a background in engineering, my past work experiences in cross-functional teams have equipped me with a problem solving mindset and a set of skills to collaborate and communicate with a diverse group of stakeholders, including designers, product managers, software developers, test engineers, technical analysts. Now trained to be a UI UX designer, my skills include user research, contextual inquiry, competitive analysis, low-fidelity wireframing, high-fidelity prototyping and usability testing.

Identifying problems via thorough research, solving problems via human-centred design and collaboration in cross-functional teams are challenges that I enjoy rising up to and environments that I thrive in. Regardless of discipline or industry, my career purpose is to do meaningful work and to make things better whenever I can.

Outside of study and work, I’m usually watching movies or reading books, or just being a homebody.